Friday, January 22, 2010

Valve Mic What Do I Need To Add To My Home Recording Studio?

What do I need to add to my home recording studio? - valve mic

I want a good audio recording settings, but I need help. Until now I have a Mbox 2 (non-package plant), a Samson C-Valve microphone / instrument preamplifier with a condenser microphone, MXL 2006, and an M-Audio Axiom 49 MIDI controller. What is important for an even better taste in this environment? In addition, a TC M350 multi-effects processor is a good add to my collection?


  1. Okay, I'm Dude something very important to the mixer 31 and dual analog EQ. You can go to the console, because you can use the Mbox and preamp, but you might consider. A dual-31-EQ is needed in a recording studio mix. You can use a similar or a plug-in-One - ...
    And after you take the CD is finished, you want someone who is a teacher Finish That way you can double the quality of your sound and so you look like the songs on the radio. Have someone at your local music store a finisher who can finish their CD to about $ 200 $ 100 t0 have. CT or electron wave mastering software ...

    If you can convince someone to love, as you say, $ 100 - $ 200 can be better, because the waves mastering software is expensive - ...

    Compress, how to make a plug-in - Compression software is much better than analog compression.

  2. Good quality EQ and compressor. You do not need a 31-band equalizer - I spent 15 years in recording studios and mixed hundreds of records and never had a 31st A good stereo equalizer is good for 2-mix, but a 5-band parametric is everything you need - you can calm both sides for the registration.

    The plug-in stuff is very good, but I'm always one against external compressor and EQ (if needed) for registration. A plug-in LA2A does not sound as good as a analogue LA2A well cared for, but it is quite good and much cheaper.

    I would definitely get a pair of microphones, but at first. It makes no difference that the team later in the string, if not capture the sound you want first. I would like an SM57 to add, expand, and maybe even a ribbon microphones from China to their sonic palette - they are surprisingly good, but fragile. Nady has a number of them. ANSR / Special projects will be in the padded case, sold. The mods are simple and make a real difference.

    A 'matching' MXL also be useful (drum overheads, room mics, any stereo recording).

  3. Good quality EQ and compressor. You do not need a 31-band equalizer - I spent 15 years in recording studios and mixed hundreds of records and never had a 31st A good stereo equalizer is good for 2-mix, but a 5-band parametric is everything you need - you can calm both sides for the registration.

    The plug-in stuff is very good, but I'm always one against external compressor and EQ (if needed) for registration. A plug-in LA2A does not sound as good as a analogue LA2A well cared for, but it is quite good and much cheaper.

    I would definitely get a pair of microphones, but at first. It makes no difference that the team later in the string, if not capture the sound you want first. I would like an SM57 to add, expand, and maybe even a ribbon microphones from China to their sonic palette - they are surprisingly good, but fragile. Nady has a number of them. ANSR / Special projects will be in the padded case, sold. The mods are simple and make a real difference.

    A 'matching' MXL also be useful (drum overheads, room mics, any stereo recording).

  4. Get a mixer, n compressors, MICS
